Support PACT's First Fundraising Event
This year more people need PACT’s services than ever before. We’re processing twice as many applications for soldiers and vets looking for temporary foster homes for their companion animals. Our donors make it possible for us to do our life saving work. Please help us by supporting our first major fundraiser, Pints for PACT, by attending or sponsoring us!
September 18, 2024
Taphouse 23
266 East 4th Street
Bridgeport, PA
5:30-7:30 pm
Individual tickets are $100.
Upgrade your donation $250 and you’ll be a Private level sponsor. $150 of Private level sponsor tickets are tax deductible.

Sponsor Us
“Move up in the ranks” and sponsor us!
Includes 2 tickets.
$800 is tax deductible.
$2500 – includes 4 tickets.
$2100 is tax deductible.
$5000 – includes 8 tickets.
$4200 is tax deductible.
$10,000 – includes 10 tickets.
$9000 is tax deductible.
Prominent display of your organizations’s logo on the PACT website and at the event is included with all sponsorships of $1000 or greater.
Can’t make it? 100% of your sponsorship will be tax deductible.
Interested but need more information? Contact us.